Welcome to Jay's Website.
Computer Science 1

Jay Eom/Period 1/Year of 2019

This is my first webpage for Computer Science 1. We are currently learning C#.
Good Bye Program

This program is coded to change text and images when the user presses its button.

Mailing Label Program

This program is coded to creat a mailing information of the user based on user's information.

Car Rental 1 Program

This program uses mailing label and calculates the cost of rental based on how much the user have driven the car.

Test Score Program

This program is coded to calculate the average test score based on what the user has in previous two-tests.

Craps Game

This program is coded to play the craps game until they either win or lose.

Slot Machine

This program is coded to see the possibilties of 3-row slot machines in form of a game.

Shirt Sales Program

This program is coded to calculate the cost of shirts either within or without the options.

NCAA Football Program

This program is coded to briefly show the results of NCAA Football games.